Dr. Benedict Afari, a gynecologist at the Ga East Hospital, has advised men to stop having sex after 7 minutes. Dr. Afari contends that having sex for more than 30 to 60 minutes puts you in danger.
The gynecologist asserts that those who have sex for 30 to 60 minutes put their lives in peril rather than gain anything from it.
He said it would be wise to have more foreplay instead of having sex for longer than seven minutes in an interview with Rainbow radio.
“Having sex for extended periods of time has no advantages. Studies show that sex is most pleasurable during five to seven minutes. Seven minutes should be spent on the piercing part of sex. But the foreplay may continue. For those who engage in such behavior, the penalties would be severe, he said.
He claimed that having sex strengthens the link between lovers and advances the psychological and physical health of individuals who partake in it, among other advantages.
He added that it is an activity that can aid in calorie burning.
How to have se.x and obtain what you want
According to experts, familiarity might occasionally diminish se.x desires. The more comfortable we feel with someone, the less thrilling se.x is.
But how do we combat this threat? If your sexual life is lacking passion, read on for some advice on how to rekindle it and achieve what you want in bed.
Instruct your partner.
Ten instruct your companion if they still don’t get what you’re trying to say despite your signals. In front of your partner, you might want to start by doing such things to yourself. Allow your spouse to understand whether you’re stroking yourself or spanking you in the bu.tt.
Give it to your spouse.
similar to the proverb “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
It could be time to turn the conversation to your partner and demonstrate the desired behavior. They will also do them to you in this manner.
Do not simulate 0rgasms.
To keep your lover satisfied, stop pretending to have an orgasm. Because you are ultimately motivating them, they will believe they are excellent at pleasing you. Tell them the truthfully why you can’t climax.
Compliment your spouse
Praise your lover right away if they made a novel move that made you squirm with pleasure. Encouragement from you and your spouse will lead to more of the activities you enjoy. But refrain from encouraging them with actions you don’t really want. They’ll get an idea from that.
Inform others of your dislikes
Describe your preferences to your companion before discussing your dislikes. Make careful to casually communicate your dislikes.