Musician and business woman Akothee took to her social media pages to slam the vetting process of the Cabinet Nominees. In a long post, she claimed she was in a better position to answer most of the questions asked.
“I watched the Vetting processes and especially with the Tourism sector, , And I can assure you ,I could help answer 90% of the questions asked regarding reviving of the TOURISM SECTOR. I have been in tourism industry since 2009 ,and I can tell you that we are losing tourists and investors to various destinations, including our neighboring countries .” Akothee said.
Akothee went ahead to offer ideas that she thinks need to be implemented in order to help the the ailing tourism sector.
“As A frequent traveler, both international and domestic, I can Attest to you that The Kenyan tourism sector needs a complete over haul before we even talk of marketing Kenya as a holiday destination. and making Kenya Tourism sector Great Again Once The government is done with the vetting and the offices are settled Invite ESTHER AKOTH KOKEYO for a presentation, (Ignore Akothee and her many things ) concentrate on BRAIN ESTHER AKOTH KOKEYO. have a proposal on how we can make Kenya Tourism Great Again . A lot of English and papers will not save the economy, Invite me as a consultant and see a great change . We can’t change the narrative from our office desks , we cant tell the same joke every election year & expect people to laugh We need ACTION ,This area touched my heart and affects my financial status directly. I am a direct beneficiary of tourism, this is my bread and batter, its tourism that has made Akothee Great , All my investment s are as a result of a humble beginning as A taxi driver ,to a tour guide ,to opening an Agency .
Through tourism I have managed to creat employment and educate my children.
Let’s work on this
Help me tag the necessary offices who needs my help.
Well my Degree papers should be ready by December, as I am winding up my Bachelors degree in Business management BBM
In MKU , been in school for over 10 years pursuing this same course
But I have mad Experience and a very practical person. I am driven by results and not reasons .
If you find this sitting well with you
Email me at
Thank you
The only question I won’t know how to answer is my Networth ( leteni valuers)
I have 3 girls 2 boys .
I have 3 baby daddy’s and one husband to be .