Bothe Earth system theory and Gaia theory outline the interactivity of elements that contributes to the existence of the earth. I believe that the earth system theory is the best for communicating with the non-scientific public.
The earth system theory outlines that the dynamic changes on earth result from interactions among various elements. The elements include atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Because of this interaction, the earth has sustained live compared to other planets. The various factor gives the earth a mechanical ability such that it is not too hot or too cold for its inhabitants (Paillard 2008). The earth system theory also outlines the importance of humans and other organisms in the existence of the earth. The earth system theory describes the way energy and other materials are positioned in different spheres. The theory further outlines climate changes and the biosphere. Unlike the traditional geological approaches which outline rocks, this theory introduces elements of energy and solar radiation on earth.
Gaia theory which was introduced in the 1960s takes a different turn in explaining the existence of the earth. According to the theory, organic and inorganic compounds in the earth have evolved together (Donahue 2010). Their continuous interactivity has contributed to the existence of the self-regulatory system. The theory believes that earth is a Gaian system which self-regulates its temperature, atmospheric content, salinity in the ocean and many other factors. The approach is mainly interested in the living elements on earth.
I believe that the earth system theory is the best for communicating with non-scientific individuals. The earth system theory still includes the existence of different spheres which is essential for learning individuals. Gaia theory is not appropriate because individuals will be misguided to believe that only living things matter on the existence of the earth. The earth system theory has been successfully integrated with education showing positive results. The earth system theory is used in undergraduate education, and the students understand how different elements interact to give the existence of the earth.
Paillard, D. (2008). From the atmosphere to climate, to Earth system science. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 33(1), 25-35.
Donahue, T. J. (2010). Anthropocentrism and the argument from Gaia theory. Ethics & the Environment, 15(2), 51-77.