It is evident that the Business Insider is a site that analyzes and provides news ranging from business to sports. But majorly streams news that is considered top stories in the web. Based in the United States of America, the technology and business website was founded by Kevin Ryan. Its prominence has led to some of its original work being cited by some leading publications in New York. The Business Insider employs some tactics in order to be on top of the news. This includes having striking headlines that do include some rumors from the iPhones, making it addictive and attractive for online viewers.
The management of Business Insider strives daily to capture a large traffic to their site in order to have as many viewers as possible. This quest has landed its CEO, Henry Blodget into conflicts and criticism in the past that saw him being banned as an analyst from the Wall Street for life. However, he still believes that all news should be all fun. The site has traffic of around five million people as a result of its strategies of posting stories that are always unique and attractive.
The Business Insider has grown and has a staff of fifty workers at its newsroom in its office in New York. Its assets have drastically grown over the years as a result of having large online visitors who are always attracted to the style and news that the organization has adopted. The company has since bought a MacBook Pro and has risen in terms of its revenue to an estimated 4.8 million dollars in terms of revenue in the year 2010. Business Insider has set the pace for online business by successfully converting digital news to a viable and potential business opportunity by having extensive coverage in news. Business Insider maintains its focus by being keen on its traffic by having a real time data showing the traffic to the site in its newsroom. This is further exhibited in the various charts, slide shows and analyses. This depicts the strength in terms of management that has kept the Business Insider on top in as far as digital news business is concerned.